In High Speed Internet environment, DrayTek Vigor solutions satisfy WAN throughput over 100Mbps and give advance features to meet needs of home and business segments.
• Giga High-Speed WAN/LAN, Bandwidth Management/QoS
High-Speed Internet and traffic prioritizing

• Web Content Filter for parental control (WCF)
You can simply select items from pre-defined categories in the WCF section, such as gambling or Illegal-Drug and then K12 kids cannot surf websites containing these contents.

• Smart Monitor Traffic Analyzer to reduce employee time waste
As adopting Smart Monitor utility, you can verify network information to solve different problems derived from the network applications effectively and efficiently. No matter network logging record, e-mail record or IM chatting record, or file downloading, SIP call, VPN connection and more. “Timeline” feature gives you in-depth understanding how every employee spends the working hours in order to find way to enhance productivity.

• VPN protection for secure remote access
Vigor solutions support both LAN-to-LAN (site-to-site) and Remote dial-in (client-to-site) in PPTP/L2TP/IPSec that helps tele-worker access corporate data/application in anytime/anywhere. For remote dial-in, we support multiple OS for working with any device. On the other hand, users don’t need to pay any license /renewal fee for VPN tunnels offered by Vigor solutions.

• Firewall with Content Security Management
CSM (Content Security Management) enables users to control and manage IM (Instant Messenger) and P2P (Peer-to-Peer) applications more efficiently. It hence prevents inappropriate content from distracting employees and impeding productivity. Furthermore, the CSM can keep office networks threat-free and available.
• Advance management of WLAN network
Offer multiple encryption / MAC address control and separate guest and private areas by Multi-SSID

Define suitable bandwidth for each SSID

Extending wireless connection

Web Portal for effective promotion

Click to see the feature demo movie
• Multi-site Central Management
