******************************************************************************* Release Note for Vigor2000 ver 1.01 DrayTek Corp. Date: 1999/12/03 ******************************************************************************* Hint for upgrading Firmware: 1. For this revision you have to upload either "V2k00101.all" or "V2k00101.rst" depending on your current firmware version. Both of the files should be uploaded under the boot loader mode. Please refer to "fmup.doc" for details of how to enter the boot loader mode as well as which file to upload. 2. For later revisions, if the DrayWeb is not modified, you may use the easizer run-time firmware upgrade function in the DrayWeb's "System Utilities" >> "F/W Upgrade" to upload the binary program code that is "V2k00101.bin" for Version 1.01. Improvements: [DrayWeb] 1. Implement an ECMAscript to recognize which browser you use. Because DrayWeb has some HTML compatibility with differnet browsers. 2. Add a menu bar on "Advanced Setup" for setting dial-in users accounts. 3. Add some configuration fields of secure callback functions for specific remote dial-in users. 4. Fixed a long URL with authentication prefix bug. [Remote Dial-In] 1. Implemented callback functions for Windows 95/98/NT users using tra- ditional ISDN TA devices. In this features, we also support callback budget control and CLID authentication. Before you verify the CLID authentication feature, you have to make sure your testing environment can sending "Calling party number" by ISDN switch. 2. Fixed a bug in remote dial-in access feature. The original bug is when we make a call to Vigor2000 about 200 times, it will not accept incoming call. [Virtual TA] 1. Tuning Virtual TA server for more stable and robust, now the FAX/ File transfer is OK, but minitel application doesn't work fine. We are still fixing the bug. 2. Update Virtual TA client draiver for Windows95/98 platform. [TCP/IP] 1. Fixed a bug in receving PING packets from Linux box. 2. Fixed a IP brocast problem during remote dial-in access. [Software Utility] 1. Release a Smart Start Utility for first setup. ******************************************************************************* Testing Note: 1. You can follow the steps below to create an access server using Vigor2000: --------------+-------------------------------- Company Network | | +-----------+ | | | Vigor2000 | | | +--+--------+ | |ISDN for dial-in only Step1: set IP and netmask (public IP) to fit your company network using console port. Step2: Enable remote dial-in, please follows "Quick Setup" >> "Remote Dial-In" to configure them. Here you HAVE to assign company IPs (public IP) for dial-in users to user. Step3: Following the last step, to create a dial-in access account for remote Vigor2000 dialup. Step4: Turn off NAT server, using TUI command as following. draytek> srv nat off Step5: Reboot router using the following TUI command. draytek> sys reboot ... Now you will lost Telnet connection ... Step6: After power-on to add a static/default route for accessing world-wide Internet via TUI command as below. draytek> ip route add 0 default where should use your company's default gateway IP. Note: Current version the static route will be lost when router power down. Step7: Now you can use another Vigor2000 to dial into the access server made by Vigor2000 too. 2. Make sure your Virtual TA client is up-to-date VSetup95.EXE and VSetup98.EXE. 3. Start.DOC can provide you to get more understand what kind of applications Vigor2000 can do. ******************************************************************************* Alan@DrayTek ccwen@draytek.com.tw *******************************************************************************